Silea s.p.a.


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Deposits for Individuals and Companies

We help you move

Our staff can solve any kind of problem related to your move, both on the national and international territory. We are well aware of the fact that moving is one of the most stressful activities in daily life, so we try to lighten the load of things to be done; we take care of all required services, from complete removals through to small transport.

With Silea Self Storage Florence you can organise your move with the support of our highly-trained staff who will be happy to inspect your home free of charge, and provide precise estimates of space requirements to store your belongings and an accurate cost estimate. We also use aerial ladders as required, we deal with permit requests for the occupation of public property if it is not possible to stop in private areas, we therefore provide a "turnkey" service.


Request a quote

You can contact us at the following references:

Silea s.p.a. Self Storage

Via Baccio da Montelupo N. 40/E, 50142 Firenze
Book a call